On Sat, 1 Aug 2020 13:28:36 +0100
Basil Jet wrote:
On 01/08/2020 08:31, wrote:
On Fri, 31 Jul 2020 21:15:53 +0100
Basil Jet wrote:
This consultation dates from 2020 BC (Before Covid) so I'm not sure if
this project is even alive now. There's a map at
I'm mystified by the plan. Would the trains reverse at Beckton to get
there? Or would Beckton have its own service and Thamesmead have its own
service? Extending from Woolwich seems to make more sense - or reversing
at Woolwich, since the trains actually curve around under the river to
come into Woolwich from the east. This would give people in Thamesmead
direct service to Woolwich and City Airport, whereas plugging them into
the Beckton Branch doesn't really give them much. It would also remove
the extra Thames Tunnel from the plan, so should work out cheaper.
IMO the DLR is already too big for what it is and couldn't cope with
the traffic flow even when I last commuted on it in 2014. Any further
transport enhancements in that area should involve the jubilee line.
Jubilee train = 875 passengers
DLR triple train = 852 passengers
Well for a start the transverse seating in DLR trains severly retricts the
number of standees compared to a jubilee train and secondly the DLR trains
trundle along at a slow to moderate speed, there are far too many stops
and too many branches all cramming their trains into the central sections.