DLR to Thamesmead
On Mon, 3 Aug 2020 00:03:09 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
Well for a start the transverse seating in DLR trains severly retricts the
number of standees compared to a jubilee train and secondly the DLR trains
trundle along at a slow to moderate speed, there are far too many stops
and too many branches all cramming their trains into the central sections.
The only 'central section' through Poplar is 4-track. But not every DLR
route goes that way. It's not a core route with branches, but a genuine
I said sections, plural. But Bank is the main one and when I last used it
it had trains heading off the Woolwich - presumably for the airport - which
were virtually empty and the ones to canary wharf which were rammed. Plus
the occasional train to and from tower gateway.