On Mon, 3 Aug 2020 17:26:36 +0100
Basil Jet wrote:
On 03/08/2020 16:00, wrote:
Quite possibly, however that doesn't change the fact that the DLR is the
tubes poor relation and adding yet another branch to it would be a disaster.
I don't see how you can say that. There are parts of the tube where an
extra branch would be great, there are parts where it would not. The
same is true of the DLR. It's just a network of lines, like the tube.
Well I suppose it depends where it connects, but if the trains run to Bank
which they'll need to to be any use it'll clog up an already clogged up route
(covid notwithstanding). If the DLR wanted to improve their service closing
west india quay and heron quay stations would be a good place to start. The
latter having precisely zero footfall even in the rush hour when I used the
service and the former not much more plus its only a 3 min walk from canary
wharf station anyway.