On Mon, 31 Aug 2020 15:30:34 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
On Mon, 31 Aug 2020 10:40:03 +0100
Graeme Wall wrote:
On 31/08/2020 09:46, wrote:
On Sun, 30 Aug 2020 23:48:23 +0100
Basil Jet wrote:
Never mind demolishing it - they should reinstate the line to muswell hill.
the trackbed is still in situ from there back to highgate sidings and
track back down and restoring highgate high level station would cost
comparisons to white elephants such as crossrail. I'm pretty sure a shuttle
service to and from highgate to catch the main northern line would be
popular given the current alternative is the bus to wood green.
So a couple of hundred, at most, commuters a day compared to the white
elephant carrying tens of thousands.
A couple of hundred? You've never been to muswell hill have you.
And crossrail sure as hell won't be carrying 10s of thousands anytime soon
even if it does open next year which it probably won't.
It definitely won't open in 2021, and won't fully open till at least 2023.
This is beyond incompetant management and unrealistic tendering timescales. I
wonder if there's been some active sabotage, supplies theft or some other
criminal activities going on down at site level that they don't want the public
to know about. These are huge sites and even with Covid workers should be able
to socially distance quite adequately to get on with the job.