National Rail affected by Tube Strike?
On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 21:36:52 +0100, Spyke wrote:
Does anyone know if the LUL strike action is likely to affect any of the
other National Rail services that use LUL stations or share LUL tracks?
I'm particularly interested in Thameslink and Finsbury Park-Moorgate as
they're part of my Plan B for getting from Waterloo to Old Street
At Moorgate during the evening peak there were notices suggesting that
national rail services would be running there during the strike. I've
certainly used Highbury and Islington on WAGN (again, the station is
managed by LU) in the past during a tube strike: I can't remember the
exact occasion but it sticks in my mind because I noticed a no 19 bus
that took exactly the same time from Highbury and Islington to Angel
that I did on foot