Have the 483s had their final run?
Graeme Wall wrote:
On 12/12/2020 14:03, Marland wrote:
007 returned to service today; finishing early at 1800 AIUI in order to
allow the 484 to continue test running.
Initially there were reports the line was closing again for the weekend for
engineering work but
007 looking very smart took up duties this morning.
Unfortunately it failed late morning and is back in the depot.
Hasn’t this overhaul taken 3 years? Hopefully it is something niggling that
can easily be fixed.
The 484 has made multiple trips to Shanklin under its own power, I believe;
but I've not seen any reports of it going through the tunnel, yet.
I think it was last Monday that Ryde Pier head had a few people wearing
HIVIZ and standing by survey instruments on tripods spread along the
platform so maybe clearances were being checked what with there being a
sharp curve into the station , possibly esplanade needs measuring as well.
Shouldn't they have done that before ordering the new trains?
I don’t think there will be a problem,after all normal stock albeit at the
smaller end of mainline loading gauge worked the line for the best part of
a century, but after 55 years of operating tube sized vehicles some re
adjustments would be understandable for any test run with tube stock being
narrower than subsurface. Some will needed anyway for unassisted wheeled
disability access is to be implemented. At the moment the guard is pretty
prompt at getting ramps for those who need them but can only be at one set
of doors at a time. Part of the upgrade of the infrastructure is to provide
level access to platforms though how they do it at Ryde Esplanade with its
curved platform will interesting, end doors only perhaps.
Pier station has a curve at the end but enough straight after to cope
with the length of trains.