New Tim
On 10 Jan 2021 16:44:34 GMT
Jeremy Double wrote:
Sam Wilson wrote:
Graeme Wall wrote:
On 10/01/2021 10:36, Recliner wrote:
There's a tweet from Tim this morning reminding us that today is the 157th
anniversary of the opening of the Metropolitan Railway, complete with
then-and-now pictures of Baker Street station:
At opening, there were broad gauge tracks, but narrow platforms; now, there
are visibly wider platforms that take advantage of the narrower tracks. The
skill of the presentation of the original 'look' is very apparent.
Nice comparison of pictures.
Like many paintings the older one exaggerates the cathedrality(?) of the
station. Either that or people were only about 4’ tall 150 years ago.
The average height of a British soldier in the Great War was 5 ft 5 in, and
the average weight was 8 stones. People were considerably smaller in those
Isn't that mainly because of the lousy nutrition the working class who made
up most of the soldiers suffered from? I imagine the commissioned officers and
upper classes in general were probably healthier and taller.