On Sun, 7 Feb 2021 11:44:31 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
Graeme Wall wrote:
But that's not what they do, this way they get more individual publicity
when they finally reveal themselves. which is what they want, they are
not actually intersted in the notional cause they are supporting. It was
the same with the Newbury by-pass protesters who went on and on about
the rare plants that were being destroyed and then went and camped on
the site of the largest colony of the rarest plants because they didn't
know, or care, what they were.
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Protesters trying to stop the HS2 rail line destroying a nature reserve
have been accused of polluting a river beside their camp and scaring off
its wildlife.
I suppose their argument would be that their effect is temporary whereas
after HS2 there'll be no nature reserve at all. Regardless of the dubious
actions of the protestors, from what I've seen and read about HS2 there seems
to be very much a "**** you little people" attitude emanating from them. Only
a few weeks ago they bulldozed some new wood that had been planted by some
school kids a few years back for an eco project somewhere in Bucks IIRC.
The annoying thing is when the construction access roads cause the damage —
why don't they re-route them if needed? That seems to be the case more
often than damage to the land actually needed for the railway itself.