New piccadilly line trains
On 05/03/2021 22:46, Recliner wrote:
Arthur Figgis wrote:
On 05/03/2021 21:12, Graeme Wall wrote:
On 05/03/2021 18:41, Arthur Figgis wrote:
On 05/03/2021 16:56, Recliner wrote:
If, by some amazing chance, we have Mayor Bailey after May,
Is that plausible, short of Sadiq Khan being filmed wearing a Dominic
Cummings fan club t-shirt while committing unnatural acts with one of
the Queen's corgis on top of the Cenotaph?
I'm aware there are people who think Khan is an ISIS-supporting
communist who is being paid by Big Cycle Path, but I don't think I've
seen anything actually pro-Bailey. And even less pro that bloke with
the social media adverts who looks like a conman from an old sitcom.
And I've only just seen the nominative determinism of the UKIP candidate.
I see someone is promoting Corbyn for mayor?
Piers rather than Jeremy.
Yikes! Perhaps he reckons that Londoners enjoy having ageing lefty mayors?
But maybe Neil Robertson will vote for him, based on Piers' 'Covid is a
hoax' manifesto?
I've never really understood the "other" but not explicitly comedy
candidates for Mayor, especially the ones who don't do any/much campaigning.
Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK