LU staff shortages?
On 28 Mar 2021 12:21:19 GMT
Marland wrote:
Recliner wrote:
What's up?
Not that I am casting nasturtiums at LUL staff who probably would not even
consider doing such a thing, but in a completely unrelated industry I have
been told by someone who works in it that
after a year of working around Covid some of his fellows have worked out
a time off for Covid Rota
where they phone in telling that they have to self isolate as they or or
someone they have been in contact with had the symptoms, in their case
they have a reasonable sick pay arrangement.
Meanwhile the colleagues whose “turn” it is to come into work are earning a
lot more than they normally would by doing extra shifts.
Surely not, those complete professionals wouldn't do something like that
would they? Next you'll be telling us they'll call strike action over not
being paid quite as much as a CEO!
I don't know if it's the same problem today, but the H&C was having bad
problems earlier today.
I also had my first ride on the Victoria line today, and although the
service was reported as 'good', the trains were much less frequent than in
pre-pandemic days. Perhaps that's the new normal?