Tim goes Underground
On 01/04/2021 12:34, tim... wrote:
"Marland" wrote in message
tim... wrote:
"Bevan Price" wrote in message
On 31/03/2021 12:56, tim... wrote:
"Bevan Price" wrote in message
On 31/03/2021 11:49, Anna Noyd-Dryver wrote:
Basil Jet wrote:
filming a TV show called
#SecretsOfTheLondonUnderground during a lockdown
How is that an essential service?
It's work which he can't do from home. I don't think there's been a
at which non-essential *work* was forbidden (otherwise my friends
run a
mail-order wool company would have had to close, for example). Or do
think all production of new TV programmes should have ceased for a
Anna Noyd-Dryver
(OT) Well .... I would be happy to see all soaps cease for 50
years. It
might give TV a chance to devise some new, original dramas instead of
bombarding us with endless variations on the same tedious
is your TV missing an OFF button?
No. It also has a channel change option. It is just that I wish
there were
more options for original UK drama, instead of endless repetition of
things long past their sell-by dates.
So you really can't find anything of interest on one of the 57 channels
(with nothing on!).
A good proportion of those would have nothing to show if Adolf hadn’t
invaded Poland.
I agree
I do wish they would make documentaries on other wars
I know zip all about the minutiae of the Boer War or the Crimea War for
example (all I know comes from a couple of Hollywood blockbuster movies
- and we all know how inaccurate they can sometimes be)
Not a lot of library footage from either of those.
Graeme Wall
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