LO lines to be named
Graeme Wall wrote:
If digging up the streets was done fairly effortlessly so that Punters can
watch re runs of “I Love Lucy” and the cultural delights of East Enders
shouting at each other then doing it again for arguably less frivolous
purposes should not be the obstacle you make it out to be.
Meanwhile the utility industry is quietly getting on with replacing old
Iron gas pipes with plastic as leaks as well as being hazardous also
contribute to green house gases even if unburnt.
There is a lot of experience out there in digging the ground.
Digging the holes isn't the problem, it is supplying the electrons to go
down the cables and some method of getting the electrons from the hole
in the ground to the vehicle without causing a trip hazard and legal
The power supply problem I grant you is yet to be solved but it will be, at
least to keep those who are affluent enough to run personal transport the
size of a car doing so , ie make it expensive.
The rest may just end up in the situation we once had up the 1960’s when
car ownership was a dream for many and they had to use other means of
getting around.
To some extent a future non car owner will be better off than their
grandparents and have the choice of using an electric scooter or an
electrically assisted bicycle for many journeys whose power demand on the
grid will be far less and buy in transport for when they need a bigger
vehicle or make a longer journey wether that is a hire car or a taxi like
Even turning many 2 car households into a one car plus scooters and bikes
will make quite a distance.
Many younger people were already going this way anyway, car ownership is no
longer seen as a status point reached in life like it was for our
generation and assaulted by high accommodation costs plus the need if
sensible to start saving for a pension leaves little to run a car ,not
having one is no longer something to feel ashamed about ,the status symbol
object is the latest smartphone they can order an Uber on.
As for they trip hazard problem the most basic solution would be conduits
like slot drains that been used since victorian times to take water from
building downpipes to the gutter, theirs were cast Iron and many are still
in place but modern versions in other materials are available.
You then lay your cable in that .
This is one of the old style ones in Truro from the closed Hotel to the
gutter, there are thousands still in use around the country and people cope
with them.
Now you won’t what any old joe digging up the pavement as standards would
have to be maintained
so like dropped pavements for drives are now the local authorities would
either do the work or have an approved contractor the resident has to pay