LO lines to be named
On 11/04/2021 12:04, Basil Jet wrote:
On 11/04/2021 11:46, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 10:15:18 on Sun, 11 Apr
2021, Graeme Wall remarked:
Â*Rather than laying a whole new cable, can't the existing cable
supplyingÂ* every house be used?
Not enough capacity and doesn't necessarily go where you think it would.
I've lived in two village now where about half the houses are [still]
supplied by 240v wiring on poles, which looks a bit like phone cables,
unless you know better.
Can Mr Google's Streetview Emporium back you up on that?
You seriously doubt that overhead LV distribution is common in rural areas?
As well as supplying EV charging, the electricity infrastructure will also
be required to supply electric heat pumps for domestic heating in the not
too distant future. That presents a challenge at least as great as supplying
EV chargers.