On Mon, 12 Apr 2021 14:48:23 -0000 (UTC)
Sam Wilson wrote:
On Mon, 12 Apr 2021 09:59:49 -0000 (UTC)
Sam Wilson wrote:
If energy companies don't understand basic physics thats not my problem.
But then most of them believe they can send "green" electrons down the pipe
simply by you signing up with them so go figure.
Is everyone here really so dumb a to think that green electricity
generation and the national grid ought to work by making sure that green
electrons travel from the generator to your home? What was that about
basic physics?
I suggest you have another go at reading what I wrote.
I wasn’t referring directly to you, but to a general feeling in some of the
postings, too diffuse to respond to individually.
Its too late to back pedal now. Your "What was that about basic physics?"
comment was aimed directly at me because either you misunderstood what I was
saying or didn't even bother to read it.
Again no, it was just a convenient place in the thread to hang a comment.
It clearly backfired, but it was not intended personally.
The entity formerly known as
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