LO lines to be named
Am 11.04.2021 um 12:04 schrieb Recliner:
On Sat, 10 Apr 2021 15:41:53 -0000 (UTC)
Recliner wrote:
Which is why H2 is mainly being considered for larger, heavier vehicles:
trains, trucks, long distance buses, large SUVs, perhaps even short range
airliners. It's not needed nor viable for ordinary cars.
Hummer have already built 2 large battery SUVs.
By 'built', you mean announced. They're 2023 models, with lots of details
as yet unknown.
And H2 trains makes no
bloody sense whatsoever - just electric the damn lines and if its too
expensive for overhead then they should recind that moronic rule about
no more 3rd rail and lay that instead.
This pilot, like many, demonstrates technical feasability. It does not
even ask the question whether it's viable without a massive subsidy.