tim... wrote:
oops sent that before I had finished
try again:
apropos something entirely unrelated, I was perusing the 60+ pass validity
and I came across the rule:
"60+ Oyster pass holders are not entitled to free travel on services outside
of London."
https://www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/se...ster-photocard and
I thought *what*!Note that what I am reading are pages updated for Covid,
so are currentlydifferent to any previous pages you may have read.Is this
just a lazy way of saying that it's not available on rest of
Englandservices, or do they really mean that I can't currently use a TFL
serviceacross the boundary?Because I've certainly done that on a bus in
the past, and the ticket officeat "London Terminals", have used outside
the boundary stations for sellingme excesses (no prompting from me)The
map here's
o help:https://www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/services/freedom-pass/using-pass/freedom-pass-travel-mapIt's
recently been complicated by the "not before 9:00" rule, but
containsnothing to differential between old person's Freedom pass and 60+
passes (itdon't claim to represent 60+ pass, but I can't find a map that
does).I aware of the rule that doesn't allow 60+ pass use on Crossrail to
Reading,but what about other "outside the boundary" lines?
The 60+ pass is only valid in London. It's not a national bus pass (unlike
the Freedom Pass). It's always been that way, ever since it was introduced.