On 09/05/2021 16:24, Peter Johnson wrote:
On Sat, 8 May 2021 19:27:22 +0100, Basil Jet
Apparently a new avoiding slip from M25 E/B to A10 N/B is being constructed.
But my question is about what is (or was) there before the work. For
years there has been a weird lay-by on the northbound A10 just north of
the M25, weird because you can only get into it by stopping on the dual
carriageway at the end and reversing in. There are usually lorries
parked in the cul-de-sac part, usually placed so that you would struggle
to reverse a normal car past them, even if you weren't worried about
cars on the dual carriageway crashing as you reversed. What is this? Was
it originally built as part of an earlier plan to build an avoiding slip
that got cancelled? Was it originally a normal lay-by whose entrance
somehow got obliterated?
It might have been removed by now, but Google still shows it.
Looks like the remnants of a slip road, but it's a wonder that the
'access' hasn't been blocked off, considering that it is dangerous to
access. I've seen similar bits of excess road that have been
permanently coned off, couldn't tell you where though.
Not, perhaps, as dangerous as it seems. Beyond the crash barrier a
slow-moving lorry could pull left and stop with his rig to the left of
the line of the crash barrier.
Still pretty dodgy, though!