I.O.W reopening delayed.
On Sun, 9 May 2021 23:04:54 +0100
Certes wrote:
On 09/05/2021 21:55, Anna Noyd-Dryver wrote:
On Sun, 09 May 2021 15:55:04 GMT
Recliner wrote:
Express trains on the wycombe line?
Amazingly, your knowledge of geography is even worse than your knowledge of
engineering or railways!
Oh sorry, I forgot, you think its a main line to birmingham. Yes, why would
anyone get a train direct from euston to brum on the WCML when they could
fart around getting there from paddington going via wycombe and bicester
at a leisurely pace in a diesel train.
Yes, why would anyone get a train direct from Marylebone when they could
fart around at West Ealing waiting for a parliamentary to West Ruislip?
Oh , Marylebone , even better! A nice leisurely tour going west first!
Didn't know chiltern went to brum but looking at the 1:50 it takes to get
there I'm not surprised they don't bother advertising the service.