I.O.W reopening delayed.
On Sun, 9 May 2021 23:04:54 +0100
Certes wrote:
On 09/05/2021 21:55, Anna Noyd-Dryver wrote:
On Sun, 09 May 2021 15:55:04 GMT
Recliner wrote:
Express trains on the wycombe line?
Amazingly, your knowledge of geography is even worse than your knowledge of
engineering or railways!
Oh sorry, I forgot, you think its a main line to birmingham. Yes, why would
anyone get a train direct from euston to brum on the WCML when they could
fart around getting there from paddington going via wycombe and bicester
at a leisurely pace in a diesel train.
Yes, why would anyone get a train direct from Marylebone when they could
fart around at West Ealing waiting for a parliamentary to West Ruislip?
Oh , Marylebone , even better! A nice leisurely tour going west first!
With your F grade in geography, you probably also don't know that the
northbound line from Marylebone passes over the line from Euston at South
Hampstead. The former GCR line is headed almost directly due north, while
the former LNWR line is headed south west on its meandering route to
Birmingham. So the Euston route heads west first, while the Marylebone
route heads north first.
In terms of distance:
MYB-BMO: 111.56 miles.chains
EUS-BHM: 112.73 miles.chains
So the Marylebone routes is actually slightly shorter.
Didn't know chiltern went to brum but looking at the 1:50 it takes to get
there I'm not surprised they don't bother advertising the service.
They don't need to. Not everyone shares your extreme degree of ignorance,
and many people prefer Marylebone and Moor Street to Euston and New Street,
plus the Chiltern trains are cheaper, more spacious and much more
comfortable. Not surprisingly, they're very popular.