I.O.W reopening delayed.
On 10/05/2021 22:38, ColinR wrote:
On 10/05/2021 21:18, Graeme Wall wrote:
On 10/05/2021 20:45, tim... wrote:
"Graeme Wall" wrote in message
On 10/05/2021 10:23, tim... wrote:
wrote in message
On Sun, 9 May 2021 23:04:54 +0100
Certes wrote:
On 09/05/2021 21:55, Anna Noyd-Dryver wrote:
On Sun, 09 May 2021 15:55:04 GMT
Recliner wrote:
Express trains on the wycombe line?
Amazingly, your knowledge of geography is even worse than your
knowledge of
engineering or railways!
Oh sorry, I forgot, you think its a main line to birmingham.
Yes, why would
anyone get a train direct from euston to brum on the WCML when
they could
fart around getting there from paddington going via wycombe and
at a leisurely pace in a diesel train.
Yes, why would anyone get a train direct from Marylebone when
they could
fart around at West Ealing waiting for a parliamentary to West
Oh , Marylebone , even better! A nice leisurely tour going west
Didn't know chiltern went to brum but looking at the 1:50 it takes
to get
there I'm not surprised they don't bother advertising the service.
But they do
they focus on the much cheaper fares that you can get going that way
And in case you haven't noticed, starting at Padd requires a
leisurely tour going West, and it is a service that used to exist
Castle hauled last time I did it! Only as far as High Wycombe though.
I was thinking of the via Reading services, probably have to go back
to the 80s for these
I was going back to the 60s :-)
They were there to serve the Reading to Brun corridor, but increased
frequency of trains from the South Coast saw them them being withdrawn
IIRC there was even an Edinburgh or Glasgow service from Padd via
Don't remember those. I did Southampton - Reading - Edinburgh and
return by HST but that was an XC service of course.
Of course,it was easier in early days:
Southampton dep 0733 through train to York, Newcastle, Edinburgh and
Glasgow weekdays.
Timetable I have is not clear as to return times.
OK, it was a while ago, in 1933 via the DN&S ;-)
(Oxford Publishing, ISBN 0-86093-149-8)
A little before my time.
Graeme Wall
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