The canard of 'driverless' tube trains
The latest short-term DfT funding settlement for TfL yet again obliges the
latter to pursue the Johnson hobby horse of 'driverless trains'. In
particular, the DfT wants DLR-style automation to be investigated on the
Drain and Piccadilly lines:
Driverless Trains
11.TfL's record of modernisation and innovation should not leave it behind
other European networks, which are achieving significant operational
efficiencies through Driverless Trains. Accordingly, DfT will lead a joint
programme with TfL on the implementation of Driverless Trains on the London
12.Working with DfT, TfL will make sufficient progress towards the
conversion of at least one Underground line to Grade-of-Automation 3
(driverless, but with an on-board attendant, as on the Docklands Light
Railway), subject to a viable business case and its statutory
responsibilities. To achieve this DfT and TfL will produce a Full Business
Case for the Waterloo & City Line within 12 months and for the Piccadilly
Line within 18 months. Progress towards this milestone during the 2021
Funding Period will be measured by the Oversight Group and will be as
a. Delivery of at least interim OBC on Waterloo and City line by the end of
the 2021 funding period.
b. Delivery of at least interim SOBC on Piccadilly line by the end of the
2021 funding period.
c. Market engagement into alternative platform edge protection technology,
to be led by TfL and completed by 30 November 2021.
d. Design work on rolling stock specification, new signalling, and Platform
Edge Doors (PEDs).
DfT and TfL will also conduct a full review of the potential for the
implementation of GoA3 on the rest of the network. The review will conclude
within the next twelve months. DfT’s assessment of progress made towards
conversion will factor into agreeing any longer-term funding settlement in
the future.
But London Reconnections is rather sceptical about the whole Johnsonian
vision of union-busting driverless trains. And it quotes one former London
mayor: “I would rather prioritise capacity… I would rather put the
investment into expanding the ability of our underground system to carry
people in comfort, than in putting money now into creating a new breed of
driverless train.”