The canard of 'driverless' tube trains
On 02/06/2021 10:54, Recliner wrote:
But London Reconnections is rather sceptical about the whole Johnsonian
vision of union-busting driverless trains. And it quotes one former London
mayor: “I would rather prioritise capacity… I would rather put the
investment into expanding the ability of our underground system to carry
people in comfort, than in putting money now into creating a new breed of
driverless train.”
I thought that was a cheap trick that detracted from the article.
Capacity may well have been a priority in 2010. But now? Given the very
many forecasting that a much increased amount of working from home I
doubt TfL is likely to have a capacity problem for the short and medium
term. What it does have is massive budget problem - i.e. spending which
vastly exceeds its income.
To paraphrase the ante-penultimate para, my recommendation to those at
LR Towers is that they remember this, whenever the topic comes up.
Focusing on better ways to increase capacity on the London Underground
may be fighting last decade's war.
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