West London Tram consultation
Solar Penguin wrote:
Random thought after reading the consultation document... To solve the
Acton High Street bottleneck, why not send the trams along Churchfield Road
instead? As well as avoiding the High Street, this would give interchange
with the NLL at Acton Central. Then the trams could cut across the park to
rejoin the Uxbridge road further east.
A similar deviation was considered but rejected, mainly I think
because it would increase end to end time. It would not have crossed
the railway or the park, though.
Or is there some obvious reason why this isn't viable?
Conflicting overhead wires.
The tram is expected to be about as fast as a medium-fit cyclist,
overall - 65 minutes for 13 miles.
Colin McKenzie
The great advantage of not trusting statistics is that
it leaves you free to believe the damned lies instead!