In reply to news post, which Russell Wykes
wrote on Sun, 4 Jul 2004 -
"Matthew P Jones" wrote in message
For those interested I have put some pictures of the 1938 stock at
Amersham when it called as part of the Uxbridge 100 tour. See
Also on the page (top photo) is a picture I have been sent of Amersham
in 1961. Can anyone confirm what type of train is in the picture? Am I
right in assuming it was T stock?
Many thanks
Matthew P Jones -
My view of the Metropolitan Line - actually I like
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Yes, it's T stock.
The book Steam to Silver, An illustrated history of London Transport Surface
Railway Rolling Stock by J Graeme Bruce, if you can get hold of a copy, has
a good description of T stock and its forerunner, MW stock.
Russell Wykes.
Thanks Russell, I've seen the book in question on Ebay, but have always
lost out in the bidding!
As someone else on the thread has posted, if a T stock train had run
today that might have been interesting - are any preserved?
Matthew P Jones -
My view of the Metropolitan Line - actually I like it
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