LU Stock Transfer Routes
In article , Richard J.
People keep mentioning how wide A stock is , but according to my LU
rolling stock book , A stock is 9 foot 8 inches wide whereas C
stock is 9 foot 7 inches wide (and that apperently can go anywhere
on the sub surface lines) so we're only talking half and inch either
side. I can't believe the clearances are so tight in some of these
tunnels than 0.5 inch makes a difference! There must be some other
You have to draw the line somewhere in defining the maximum width of
train that can safely negotiate a tunnel, making due allowance for body
roll, track imperfections, etc.
I believe the actual problem is that A stock is significantly wider at a
different vertical location. Loading gauges aren't just an overall
height limit and a width; they're a complete shape that the train has to
fit into.
Imagine a train that is exactly the same maximum width and height as a
1992 Tube Stock train, but that is rectangular in cross-section. This
train won't fit in the Central Line tunnels - the top corners won't fit.
Clive D.W. Feather | Home:
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