Request for advice, please, ref. London Underground
In article , Dave Arquati
Can't terminating Met trains also use Aldgate's outer circle platform?
Hmm. I don't have an explicit prohibition against that listed anywhere,
but I have a vague memory that doing so fouls Minories Junction (the
District/Circle junction).
I've never seen a westbound District use Platform 2 even in the very
late evenings, but if it's anything like the other "odd" Underground
services (like R'worth to Watford, and Mets calling at Jubilee stations
between Wembley and Finchley Rd) then if you blink you might miss it.
It's not a "rusty rail" working, but rather to allow that platform to be
closed off at night.
The only WTT I have to hand is from 1990, but in it the last train to
use platform 1 Monday-Friday is just before 21:20.
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