Diesel Electric Trains on CrossRail
In article , Mark Townend
So illustrating platform reoccupation time as the fundamental limit on
Consider the length of the platform as the braking distance for a train
entering the station at 'station entry' speed then the back of the train in
front must have just left the station (plus some additional 'overlap'
distance - see below). The platform is a single occupancy block however
More modern 'speed-band' control systems like LUL Victoria and Central lines
achieve a similar effect, but can't overcome the platform reoccupation
limit, though can allow the maximum service frequency to approach the
theoretical limit more closely.
Both the Central and Victoria Line systems allow a train to be entering
the station while the previous train is still leaving. This is because
the platforms aren't "single occupancy block"; they're subdivided.
This is more obvious on the Central Line; you can see the block
boundaries along the platform, marked by a white board carrying a red
diagonal stripe. In both systems the train's speed is controlled to
ensure it will stop before hitting the previous train.
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