I've Been a Tourist In London!
On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 09:48:01 +0100, Ian Jelf
Do drivers believe that they have any role in helping people who are
unsure of where they're going?
It seems to vary. At least in London most stops have maps, and even
timetables, to help planning.
I saw a driver be quite abusive to a passenger asking where a bus in
Croydon went, when the week before a driver with the same company
(Connex) in the Czech Republic had been very helpful to me, despite us
not even having a common language.
In the past I've had bus drivers in North Yorkshire ask /me/ for
directions, and I've even had one borrow a map I was carrying!
Does anyone believe in queuing in an orderly fashion at bus stops any
Not in London, AFAICT. It has gone the way of waiting for passengers
to get off trams, trains, etc before boarding.
I don't know whether I was just unlucky this weekend (this isn't a
problem I've seen before) but there was a pretty frequent problem with
people trying to board via the middle doors of double deckers.
Foreigners, bendy-bus users, or fare dodgers?
It did it late in the evening, when Paris's transport system
would have been skeletal and that of most other British cities
non-existent and my essential belief in London having a Good Transport
System was not shaken.
Many people don't realise just how good London's transport is - until
they go elsewhere!
Arthur Figgis Surrey, UK