LU driver's managers told him to stop assisting stab victim
"Mike Bristow" wrote in message
This is particularly true if the line controller didn't know how
serious the situation was. Perhaps the driver wasn't answering his
cab radio at the time!
The driver could hardly answer his cab radio if he was half way back on the
platform - but he had informed the line controller (by telephone, as he
couldn't get through by radio). In any case, if the line controller had been
aware of the seriousness of the situation he wouldn't have been so anxious
to get trains moving. As it was, BTP took over and closed the line from the
time of the incident (around 2315 Thursday) until Friday afternoon. Anyone
know why it took so long - I can't see why the search of the tracks couldn't
have been completed overnight, even if the station had to be closed most of
Friday. I suspect therte were a good few missed flights at Heathrow.