Crossrail and the GWML
Dave Arquati wrote:
Jeffrey Asante wrote:
Hi all,
Just had a look at the Crossrail website, it has information
sheets for each station along the route.
(snipped useful info)
I had no idea all this information was available, but I don't have a
chance of downloading it all on a dial-up connection. Can anyone
tell me what useful information there is in the Information Pack
(the 6MB one)? And is there useful info in the 80-something
information sheets for the various stations?!
The Information Pack is so large because it's a glossy with lots of
photos. If you click on "information pack" in the centre column, you'll
get a list of headings, and clicking on each one will bring up the text
in HTML.
The station information sheets typically include sample journey times,
plans and mock-ups of station improvements such as platform extensions
and new entrances.
It's worth asking CLRL if they could let you have all the material in
hard copy, as it's clearly in their interest to ensure that your website
carries accurate info. All their stuff was available in hard copy
during last autumn's consultation. You could ask at one of the current
Information Exchange Centres (Spitalfields or Farringdon) or contact
them directly.
Richard J.
(to e-mail me, swap uk and yon in address)