"Dave Arquati" wrote in message
Well, if you believe this site:
Some other thoughts...most of the east-west roads in the map area are
currently one-way, because they are rather narrow and permanently packed
with parked cars on both sides. Your man doesn't address this at all.
Priory Road, the narrow straight north-south road about a third from the
east (right) edge of the map, is currently divided into alternating
northbound-only, southbound-only and two way sections, to prevent anyone
from using the length of it as an alternative to West End Lane (the wide
wiggly north-south road in the middle). His plan seems to turn Priory Road
into a perfectly straight 2-way narrow rat run with no side roads and a
succession of humped-back bridges. This would be terribly dangerous / Cool,
I wanna go / Delete as appropriate.
Would the shallow underpasses that he describes each have to have their own
pumping stations? Wouldn't that in itself be a major expense?
John Rowland - Spamtrapped
Transport Plans for the London Area, updated 2001
A man's vehicle is a symbol of his manhood.
That's why my vehicle's the Piccadilly Line -
It's the size of a county and it comes every two and a half minutes