Oystercard picked from pocket
Do be cautious out there. Was traveling home on the number 1. I was talking
with a friend I saw on the bus, and as we went to get off at the Elephant, a
guy was standing in the middle of the exit. I excused myself and he moved and
we got off.
Only later did I realise that my Oystercard wallet was missing.
Now, I suppose I'm lucky that I didn't keep anything else valuable (work ID
card, but that's easily replaced) in the wallet; occasionally people keep
money in it. However, when I called Oystercard to report the loss, it was
slightly after 8 pm and they close down at 8. So I need to wait until tomorrow
morning to report it (if they're open on Bank Holiday weekends...) and it
probably won't be cancelled until Sunday and replaced until a week from
I'm pretty cheesed off. On the bright side, I've been living in cities now for
33 years and this is my first picked pocket. Another bright side: they didn't
get my wallet or keys. Dark side: Oyster shuts down too early and should have
some way to report the loss even after 8 pm, perhaps through the login on the
Chris Hansen | chrishansenhome at btinternet dot com
The British philosopher J. L. Austin came to Columbia and
pointed out that although two negatives make a positive,
nowhere is it the case that two positives make a negative.
"Yeah, yeah," Dr. Morgenbesser said.