Bus driver complaint and OYBike
Riding my rather groovy OYbike (details to follow) up wood lane at 18:20
this evening, passed dozens of cars, vans, lorries, no problem, then, just
south of TVC, a double decker bus was blocking the lane. I peers arround the
right but there was no way I was going to chance riding on the outside of
the traffic facing those vehicles. Had to get off and walk past the bus on
the pavement. The bus was a 220, W reg, possibly W9#XXX. When confronted his
response was "**** you". Who can I complain to to ensure he loses his job,
or at the bery least is forced to ride a bike for 50 miles arround London.
As for OYBIKE.
After a long wait, registration is open. Naturally I jumped at the chance,
so when I finally got a lunch break (17:30) I raced out of TVC to the White
City OYBike rank. Giddy with glee, I powered the interface. Phoned up, said
I wanted to take a bike, out, read out a code, and got a code back. Entered
it, didn't work first time (probably my fault as it was fine later).
Took the bike out, rode down to Olympia via:
Wood lane, Shepherds Bush, Back of W12, Sinclair Road, Right at Olympia and
I was careful to obey every traffic law.
The bike:
The seat was a little low and loose, and the pedels were a little too low.
Strange type of bike too, with handle bars sloping upwards as they go away.
Bell was good, although futile as I found out.
The journey.
Down Wood Lane, most cars and lorries passed with plenty of space, 2 cars
were closer then I'd like. One bus pased me, and was the closest vehicle to
me by far (the 000 hammersmith hospital one).
At shepherds bush I patiently waited at the cycle lane red light as 3 (count
em) bikes went riding past me. After the light changed to green I rode ahead
and soon caught them up at the next light.
Across Shepherds Bush Green, I followed the cycle lane. The signs vanished
though, so I had to guess. Passed a few pedestrians on the way but no real
The rest of the journey was uneventful, I followed another bike all the way
to Olympia.
As those who know the area, the road past Olympia parallel to the railway is
a private road. It's one way, allowing traffic going TOWARDS Shepherds bush,
but not the other way. While Cyclists routinely ignore this, I was
determined to ride legally. Turned right and made my way arround Olympia.
Plugged the bike back in which involved typing a 13 digit number that I had
received by text, then phoning up an operator and reading another long
number out
The return procedure was similar
The journey back began uneventful, however after leaving Olympia I was
confused. While Sinclair Road is "no entry" - no exceptions, there was a
cycle lane painted in the direction I wanted to travel. I assumed the
"except for cycles" had fallen off, and it's not LBHF's incompetence.
Got to the road behind W12 shopiing center and signaled left. Rang my bell
at some wandering pedestrians (They did have right of way though), and
passed them. Suddenly had a car coming towards me, wrong side of the road.
She stoped then held her hand in shame. As I passed she'd wound down the
window and shouted "sorry!". The solution for people like this isn't points
or a fine, it's riding a bike 10 miles in london. They just dont realise the
consequences of their actions, and a fine wont help.
Couple of cars blocked the cycle lane on the bottom road of the Green, as my
lights went on to Green I attempted to pass and had to weave past them.
No problems up wood lane until the bus mentioned above. Parked at white city
and went through the whole ringing oybike again.
OYBike have at least two operators, and when I was riding back to work, I
head someone exclaim "there's another one" - so I'm not the only customer
they've had, however they really need to increase the speed of renting and
returning a bike if they want to become a real alternative, it's expensive
until then (2 phone calls and the normal fee)
Everything above is the personal opinion of the author, and nothing to do
with where he works and all that lovely disclaimery stuff.
Posted in his lunch hour too.