On 29 Jul 2003 10:53:29 GMT Mait001 wrote:
} This is something about Oystercards which is annoying me already. Up to
} now, it was possible to walk on the right past the person who is paying
} the driver in cash, whilst waving your Travelcard, and then just walk
} down the bus.
} Now, I have to queue up on the left side of the door, so that I can
} reach the Oystercard reader.
} Good - I HATE it when people behind me queue jump just because I am paying for
} a ticket and someone behind thinks they have the right to get past me just
} because they have a pass. I normally try to stand in such a way as to prevent
} queue-jumping anyway.
But those of us with a pass (or now Oyster) have already paid. Having
pre-loaded tfl and other operators' coffers we clearly deserve seats or
at least comfortable standing positions far more than you unplanning
types delaying the bus with your ticket buying.
Il est important d'être un homme ou une femme en colère; le jour où nous
quitte la colère, ou le désir, c'est cuit. - Barbara