Underground Stations that don't have the letters from Underground in them
JRS: In article ,
dated Fri, 3 Sep 2004 05:27:20, seen in news:uk.transport.london, Kevin
posted :
Somebody has started one of those silly challenges in the office.
There are apparently only two stations on the underground that don't
have any letters from the word underground in them. We got Balham
quite quickly but cannot find the second so what is it.
C:\HOMEPAGEmtr -x+ -o \ephemera\lon-tube - ^[^underground]+$
C:\HOMEPAGEmtr -x+ -o \ephemera\lon-tube - ^[^england]+$
Bow Church
Only one station has none of the letters of "Buckingham Palace".
Only one station has none of the letters of "Fish and Chips".
© John Stockton, Surrey, UK. Turnpike v4.00 MIME. ©
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