Sad day for London and farewell to faithful friends
-- "Mait001" wrote...
Today, for those of you that don't know it, sees the largest withdrawal of
Routemaster buses from London since the current withdrawals began last
from tomorrow, Routemasters will be no more on routes 9, 73 and 390.
That's a "sad day"? Why???: It sounds more like a cause for celebration.
Those crappy old buses will finally be gone, and we'll have ones that are
actually tall enough for people to stand up in!
If you cannot see that, for many, it is a sad day, then you are beyond
As for standing, yes, I hope you will enjoy standing between, for example,
Tottenhama and Victoria, because the number of seats per passenger has been
drastically reduced with bendy buses. Personally, if I pay a fare for a
journey, I expect to be able to sit.
This is an incredibly sad "improvement"
Why? We're going to get proper large buses fit for the tall 21st century
travellers, not those cramped dinosaurs the should've been scrapped years
ago. How is that not a great improvement?
Because the number of seats is being reduced.
Yes, your "large" buses might be fit for modern cities with grid-patterm
streets and wide multi-lane highways, but this is so patently untrue of London
that I am amazed it needs explaining to you.
, and I would like to record both my
dismay at the wanton vandalism that is being visited on London's bus
routes by
T.F.L (or whatever quango-based morons now control these matters)
Ahhh... You must be part of the evil conspiracy of skinny midgets that
thinks that everything *has* to be designed *only* for people under 6ft 3in.
(E.g. It's because of your lot that I can no longer go to the cinema
anymore, because I know I'm not going to fit in the seats.)
It's nobody fault if you happen to be too large for ordinary bus seats.
Well, if TfL
are one of the few organisations finally willing to stand up against your
conspiracy, then they're not vandals or morons but *public* *heroes*. (If
only cinemas and airlines would follow their example!)
If you say so.
my sincerest thanks to the Routemaster buses and their crews who
have so faithfully served London for the last few decades.
And my sincerest contempt for the evil midgets who designed them in first
If 99.9% of people manage to fit in ordinary bus seats, you can hardly accuse
them of being designed by midgets, unless that 99.9% also happen to be midgets
without realising it.
Only a handful of Routemaster-operated routes remain
Why???? Why haven't TfL replaced them *all* with comfortable modern buses,
instead of continuing to inflict them on us?
Be sensible. Do you think that bus operators are magicians? Do you realise just
how expensive these new buses are, how long crew-training takes and just how
few new buses are actually manufatcured each year?
Farewell friendly Routemasters
Friendly??? How is giving a painful crick in the neck everyone over 6ft 3in
The vast majority of people are not over 6' 3" tall.
That isn't friendly, it's evil! Buy a dictionary and learn the
difference between the two words.
This is just a prejudiced rant. I happen to be very short and find stairs very
difficult to manage. That's just my bad luck. Why should the entire bus fleet
be designed on the assumption that either all of its passengers are very short
or very tall?