Unenforceable banned right turn in Highgate London
John Rowland wrote:
"Brimstone" wrote in message
"John Rowland" wrote in
message ...
At the north end of South Grove in Highgate,
North London, are no-entry signs with text
beneath reading "No Entry Except From East".
I don't see how anyone could be successfully
prosecuted for doing a right turn here.
Agreed that it would be easier for all concerned if TPTB
erected appropriate signs but why does everything have
to gave a law requiring people to behave in a certain
fashion or possess a specific item of knowledge?
Your comment, "Since drivers are not legally required to carry a compass or
know the
direction in which they are travelling at a particular moment", refers.
Are you seriously suggesting that most people don't
know which compass direction a road lies along?
Yes! Even if you did know, you could easily deny it. Many cars do the
right turn here.