Sad day for London and farewell to faithful friends
On Sat, 4 Sep 2004 08:55:07 +0100, "Solar Penguin"
Friendly??? How is giving a painful crick in the neck everyone over 6ft 3in
friendly? That isn't friendly, it's evil! Buy a dictionary and learn the
difference between the two words.
OK - I'm a mere 6ft. No seating in city buses is particularly
comfortable but I find that the Routemasters have more seats per bus
that are *adequate* for me than the newer double-deckers. I haven't
yet been on a bendy in London but I would expect that to be even more
the case with bendies: they are comfortable provided that you get one
of a limited number of good seats. That's my personal experience;
others might have different perceptions. In the same way I prefer the
firm ride of the Routemaster to that of most other buses, though apart
from the ghastly floaty DAF buses which I really make an effort to
avoid, the current one-person buses are much better than some of the
long-forgotten London buses of the 1970s.
At least the 73 changeover was accompanied by some publicity on the
route itself, and as an Oyster card holder I received an e-mail from
TfL (I replied commenting that bendies didn't seem very suitable
vehicles). Some of the earlier changeovers were given less publicity
than some very straightforward alterations to vehicles or operators on
some other routes.