Unenforceable banned right turn in Highgate London
"Colin McKenzie" wrote in message
Richard J. wrote:
Joanne wrote:
Having said that it is taking the **** to expect people to
follow a sign that's not in the HC..
The Highway Code does show the no-entry sign, and has a general comment
"plates below signs qualify their message". Anyway, the HC shows "many
of the signs commonly in use", but not all of them.
And if you look at the manual used by people who put up the signs, you
find the only exception allowed with 'no entry' is buses. A much wider
range is allowed with 'no right (or left) turn'.
I looked at a road yesterday with a view to exempting cyclists from a
banned turn. Only one car came along while I was there - and it
disobeyed the ban.
The regulations say a 'except cycles' is a permitted variant