Sad day for London and farewell to faithful friends
James Penton ) gurgled happily, sounding much like
they were saying :
1. Windows that open at the front of the upper deck.
Agreed - this should have been catered for on recent designs. Easy to
fix if en wants to, surely?
I'd imagine that the windows are all hermetically sealed on modern buses to
stop people opening them and letting the aircon out. However, they've been
ordered without aircon for London, of course...
9. Aluminium construction ensuring less weight, i.e. less wear & tear
on roads.
Is this really much of a problem? I have no idea?
Less weight also equals less fuel used. It's a very big difference between
the 7.5ton of an unloaded RM and the 17ton of a Bendibus Citaro... That's
ten ton of metal that's got to be moved around. Which takes fuel.
As has already been stated - all the RMs were re-engined to fit modern
emission regs a few years ago.
I reckon this is an age thing (no offence Marc, I of course don't know
how old you are!). Older people like the buses they saw when they were
younger, whereas today's younger people like more modern designs,
Hmm. I'm 33, and miss the RM already.
From what I've read, the Wright Eclipse Gemini seems to be considered
one of the best looking buses around.
By the salesmen? Never mind what you've *read* - what do you think? I've
googled, found an image, and - ewww. One of those.