Unenforced traffic ban on oxford street
In article , purple pete
They have just removed a bus lane cam near here as it was making £1M - yes
thats right, £1M
Over what period?
Assuming the fine is £100, that's 10 *thousand* people being caught. If
that amount is measured over a year and the lane operates 6 days a week,
that's 33 people a day or perhaps 3 an hour.
- locals went mad when they found out
What, at how many of them misuse the bus lane?
- its position was
very bad too which caused alot of people to get caught out - and to be fair
knowing the area and the junction it was in a silly place.
Either it covered a bus lane or it didn't. If it did, then what's the
beef? If it didn't, then surely someone would have appealed in very
short order, meaning that it would *not* have "made" the amounts
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