Thread: Thameslink 2000
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Old September 9th 04, 09:19 PM posted to
Marratxi Marratxi is offline
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First recorded activity at LondonBanter: Oct 2003
Posts: 168
Default Thameslink 2000

"John" wrote in message
In article , Marratxi Marratxi@BazzaS writes

"Christine" wrote in message
.. .
For those interested, Thameslink 2000 project have lodged new planning
proposals for Blackfriars 'Bridge' Station, and Borough Market areas
with Southwark Borough Council in July. Can be view on The Southwark
Borough Council website.

Could you please post the exact link ? I got lost in the Southwark

and a search for "Thameslink" produced nothing !!

I went to their online website for planning applications and searched by date
received, after a struggle I found a series of applications on 25/06/04
- if you search for that date you can find the details.
John Alexander,

Thanks, John, I got that far too but there is no way that I will normally
open any internet files
with the exe extension !! However, since you did it and are alive to tell
the tale I followed it up and found (amongst others):-

Planning Information for Application Number 04-AP-1135

Application Type: Listed Building Consent

Location: South Abutment to former West Blackfriars and St Paul's Railway
Bridge, Blackfriars Road SE1
Planning Case File Number: TP/1390-247
Proposal: Removal of existing central core infill, south and east walls to
be dismantled and existing north wall to be modified to allow new rail
bridge rib arches to pass through. Eastern-most cast iron company crest
(cartouche) to be relocated back to back adjacent to western-most crest on
remodelled Abutment, and including removal of existing stairlonk from
Ludgate House, 245 Blackfriars Road, in connection with works to Blackfriars
Bridge as part of Thameslink 2000

Planning Information for Application Number 04-AP-1137

Application Type: Full Planning Permission

Location: Blackfriars Railway Bridge SE1 and South Abutment to former West
Blackfriars & St Paul Railway Bridg
Planning Case File Number: TP/1390-247
Proposal: Widening of railway bridge on existing redundant bridge piers,
removal of existing platforms/tracks, new track alignment & platform layout
to provide 2 through tracks on east side of bridge & 2 terminating tracks on
west side; platform extensions to accommodate 12 car trains spanning entire
bridge; new platform roof canopy spanning bridge, incl roof supports &
enclosure screens; new station entrance & ticket office on south side of
river & diversion of river walk under Blackfriars Railway Bridge;
modifications to southern abutment of former bridge incl. removal of
existing central core infill, partial dismantling of walls & relocation of
listed iron crests/cartouches to top of remodelled abutment [part of
Thameslink 2000]


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