Forget the bendy train, it's funny to watch three bendys fighting for road
space at Victoria Bus Station, with the 507 trying to get to Neathouse
Place, the 73 going towards Grosvenor Place and a 436 cutting them both up
as it crosses in front of them to get to Vauxhall Bridge Road!
Then again, I once saw three bendy buses SIDE BY SIDE at the traffic lights
about to leave the bus station, one from each of the afforementioned routes!
It looked like a bendy bus showroom!
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"Jim" wrote in message
"Colin Rosenstiel" wrote in message
In article ,
(Tim) wrote:
At the end of the first week of operation of the route 73 benders,
here's a few notes I have made on the level of service:
[Details of tale of woe snipped]
Conclusion: These are all trips I could have completed easily on a 73
two weeks ago; compared to the service on RouteMasters, the
bender-operated 73 route is appaling if your want to get to/from Seven
My observations at King's Cross almost bear this out. Before I almost
always saw one or more Routemaster 73s on my way (on a bike) from
11 to Judd Street. This morning I saw one in the distance on Euston Rd
caught up with a small convoy of two in Bloomsbury St about to turn into
New Oxford St.
Colin Rosenstiel
That reminds me, I saw a convoy of THREE bendy 73s on Essex road
yesterday -
it looked like a train!!
With reduced service levels and fancy technology (these buses must have
gps?), surely they can prevent this bunching happening!!? Just indicate to
the driver to wait an extra minute at a few stops to let the bus in front
get ahead.
It must be more complex than that I know, but it drives me mad when 3 come
at once.