Ticketless Buses Zone 1?
Neil Williams wrote:
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 19:52:35 +0000 (UTC), Matthew Malthouse
What encourages the habit is the bar in the door of some buses that
leads people mounting on the left of the door to the driver to pay and
those on the right directly into the body of the bus.
True - this is used in Germany as another means of dividing those with
tickets and those without - also, the pay-the-driver side often has a
barrier to prevent people trying to alight that way. That said,
elsewhere in the country where single-door operation is common, the
bar is more of a divider between joining and alighting passengers.
Yes, and Parisian buses have the validating machines in a suitable
position (including one at each door on bendies).
It's a shame the Oyster readers are on the side that will slow things
down. (Do bendies have oyster readers on the other doors? I guess not.)
They also have similar card readers on Edinburgh's LRT buses now, and
yes, these are also on the driver's ticket machine (and they seem to
take even longer than Oyster to validate)