Ticketless Buses Zone 1?
To say that I have "inconvenienced" someone by not having prepaid
my ticket is simply ludicrous.
If you demand that they wait until you do pay for it then no, it isn't
ludicrous. You are holding up everyone on the bus by slowing boarding
times and you are increasing the time it takes for those waiting to
board to get on the bus, simply because you want to pick your seat.
Why don't we just revert to the law of the jungle? If we all climbed over each
other (including those trying to get off) I'm sure boarding time would be
improved even further.
And while we're at it, why not remove the windows and emergency door. so we can
climb on and off through those too?
If you demand that they wait until you do pay for it
Me handing over 70 pence takes less than a second. What takes the time is the
driver tapping the ticket machine and the time (alebit only a second or two) to
print the ticket.
Having paid for my ticket (and real money, not a free pass, privilege ticket or
whatever, thus adding to the operator's income) I am entitled to pick whatever
seat is available, without someone behind me barding past.
Nothing you, or anyone else, says alters this fact.