New fares (with ES spin...)
On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 20:22:43 +0100, "Chris"
How has this affected tourist travelcard (bought from abroad) prices?
The press release notes say that the visitor travelcard and weekend
travelcard are replaced by the new 3 day travelcard and the normal 7 day
travelcard (only relates to the 7 day visitor travelcard).
I'm not hugely surprised by the loss of the 7 day Visitor Travelcard as
many tourists simply got a normal travelcard once in London.
The new 3 day ticket looks a bit dodgy to me - if you look at the
pricing it is most odd. You get a discount for zones 1 and 2 but you get
sod all discount for other zonal or time combinations. I don't
understand why anyone would buy one for Z1-6 other than to avoid queuing
up on subsequent days. I suspect this is another way of pushing up
income by getting rid of a ticket that is considered to be over
discounted. I also note the lack of commentary about Family Travelcards
- perhaps these are now abolished given that most children will go free
by bus and thus the Travelcard is, in effect, a rail only product for
children aged 16 or less.
Paul C
Admits to working for London Underground!