"Robin May" wrote in message
They're robust and fit in your wallet. If you've got one of
those windows in your wallet, you can view the tube map without
even taking the card out.
How can I possibly read a tube map that 2 inch by 1 inch?
I've owned such a map in the past and it showed the central area on one
side and the east and west areas on the back.
I think I remember having one of those. I certainly hate having pockets full
of bulky things, especially in the summer (bulging pockets = hot & sweaty,
not in a good way
So, for the original poster, yes, but I'd like to know if it's double-sided,
or fold-out, or just incredibly well printed.
So the day after tomorrow then
He said "in August" not "on the first day of August". If you're going
to try to be pedantic like that, you really ought to be a bit more
careful about the details.
Quite. Although mitigating circumstance, in that the original post was a bit
of an advertisment!