Richard J. wrote:
John Rowland wrote:
"Jonn Elledge" wrote in message
Am I alone in thinking that the opening of
Shepherd's Bush WLL station would be a
good time to rename one or other of the LUL stations?
I agree. It would be cheaper to rename the H&C station, because it
appears on enamel signs at fewer stations than the Central one, and
I think some of those signs still refer to the Met and so need to
be altered anyway. Shepherds Bush Market would be a possible name,
if a bit long.
The problem with that name is that it could equally well apply to
Goldhawk Road station, as the market is next to the H&C viaduct for the
whole distance between the two stations. Shepherd's Bush West?
Alternatively, wasn't there a plan to rename the Central Line station as
Shepherd's Bush Green? In fact, I'm sure I've seen that name on a line
diagram, at Greenford IIRC.
I think plans are afoot to rename the H&C station as Shepherd's Bush
West once the WLL station opens with its Central line interchange.
Dave Arquati
Imperial College, SW7 - Transport projects in London