Yellow Arrows on Tube Ticket
In message , Kieran Turner
I read that and, whilst I understand that in terms of principle the
staff/company ought to be well within their rights, I'd be shocked if
they actually refused passage on such a basis.
If you have a valid ticket. Or a ticket which seems to be valid then you
should be allowed to pass through the gate. No matter how long it took
to travel from your destination.
Rather amusing at Harrow this evening. Peak time. Everyone trying to get
home or somewhere. Both main ticket machines out of order. Only one
person selling tickets (as well as selling tickets to people on the
other side of gates without tickets). Of course there were the legally
required (according to L.U. safety handbook) three L.U. Idle staff by
the ticket gate. And a massive queue for the one open ticket office.
Then some bright spark had the idea to open the manual gate and let
everyone travel for nothing and buy a ticket at their destination. Saved
me £3.40 as there is never anyone to check tickets at the station I was
going to. So cheers London Underground for your incompetence, saved me a
few quid.