"Alan \(in Brussels\)" wrote in
"Jiminy" a écrit dans le message de
Arriving at Stansted Airport, suppose I'll take the Stansted
Express/Skytrain to Liverpool Street Station.
To go to Barking, may I be dropped along the route or I must go first
at Liverpool Str Station, then from there take the tube?
For instance, dropping at Tottenham Hale allow me to reach Barking
Or exists a better alternative?
Tnx for your feedback
As nobody here has so far pointed out, there's an on-line journey
planner which is smart enough to look at the various routes; the URL
is: http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/planmyjourney/
You don't say exactly when you want to travel, so I can't give you more
specific advice, but just looking at the next few journeys indicates
that changing at Tottenham Hale & Blackhorse Rd. is the fastest (1h 29
min), while walking from Liverpool St to Fenchurch St would give 1h
35min. It even considers changing at Hackney (Downs/Central) & W. Ham
but that's even slower...
- Alan (in Brussels - mind the spamtrap)
Even better, try tfl's version (via
www.tfl.gov.uk) which has intimate
knowledge of the times of tube trains (national rail's version struggles
with first and last trains).
Lunchtime tomorrow came up with 1hr 17mins via Liverpool Street and Mile
End or 1hr 15mins, 1hr 17 mins, 1 hr 19mins or 1hr 21mins direct from
Liverpool Street to Barking on the H&C. H&C runs every 8 minutes at that
time, journey planner knows and works to the exact schedule, though (except
for first and last trains) this is being a bit precise for me!
With luggage its an easy decision to go for the direct train. (Note:
Journey Planner doesn't understand National Rail fares so the £3.00+ means
£3.00 plus the £ 13.80 single from Stansted to London).
Transport Direct (the new cross modal UK wide planner, see Rodger Ford's
column in Modern Railways) at
www.transportdirect.co.uk also came up with
the route via Liverpool Street and Mile End but quoted 2hrs 17mins after
allowing 68 minutes for the 8 minute walk from Liverpool Street (National
Rail) to Liverpool Street (Underground)...